We rarely take a snow day. As a homeschool family, we just keep trucking along with schoolwork.
Now. Before you shake your head and sigh. Let me explain what “trucking along with schoolwork” on a snow day truly means.
It means the boys get to hang out with their friends – from the neighborhood and online. It means the boys’ school day gets adapted. They usually work on their core subjects. It means they get a bit of a break, and I do as well.
I know these days are special. I know they work hard. I know that if we can count the day, they are one day closer to being done (usually by early May!).
Today was different. As we expected 8-10 inches of snow, my oldest came up to me and said.
“I haven’t had a real snow day yet this year. Can I have one today? I’m willing to work an extra day in May. I’d like the whole day off, please”
“Of course,” was my reply.
Because I wanted a real snow day too!
I’m taking part in a monthly blogging challenge through Two Writing Teachers.