Today my son turns 8!
I can hardly believe it. I still can remember the day he was born. I was overdue and was scheduled to be induced on a Monday. My parents from Minnesota decided to come out early. As a little back story, they weren’t able to make it for the birth or short life of our son, Aidan, so they were determined not to miss any future births of our children.
My parents unexpectedly arrived at my house on Friday evening. Throughout the evening as we talked, I just couldn’t get comfortable. Finally later that night, I figured out I was in labor. My doctor wanted me to take a bath at home and relax for a bit. Instead, we told her we were coming directly to the hospital. I don’t think she believed I was truly in labor.
My husband rushed through red lights on our way. Since it was after midnight, the only open door into the hospital was the ER. I don’t think the ER staff believed me that I was truly in labor. They took their sweet time. Even asked if I wanted a wheelchair. And we slowly made our way up to the maternity floor.
I don’t think the nursing staff on that floor believed I was truly in labor. Instead they had me get changed and asked for a urine sample, which I nicely gave. I was hooked up to monitors and put into the bed. My husband kept prodding the nurses to check me. They took their sweet time.
Finally they checked me. “Oh, um, what time will the doctor be here?” The nurse who was getting the infant stuff ready asked if she could do her rounds on the other babies. “Um. I think you need to stay here,” she was told. “What time is the doctor getting here?” the first nurse asked again with a bit more force.
Yes. Finally someone believed I was truly in labor. Finally the doctor showed up. She checked me and told me to push. A full twenty to thirty minutes probably passed from when I entered the ER doors to when Kory was born. No drugs – even though I told my mother I wasn’t going to have my baby “old school.”
After Kory was born, my parents and some friends arrived. I remember our friends had made sure to stop by a local store to stock up on chips and goodies for them to have in the waiting room. We all laughed, and my dad offered to move our car that was parked in such a funny way in front of the ER doors.
At my six-week check up, my doctor said, “Well I am glad I got there in time to catch your son.”
Of all the things I have been through with having kids, I’m thankful for short labors and deliveries! I think Kory’s was around four hours looking back. Aidan’s was six from start to finish even with being induced, and Cade’s was about that too. Let’s just say with Cade, my doctor told me at what point during regular appointments that I should demand to go to the hospital. Don’t hate me for short labor and deliveries – it truly has been God’s way to bless me with everything else we have had to go through with pregnancies and births!
And I’m so thankful that Kory was born healthy and strong. He continues to inspire me. He continues to surprise me. He makes me laugh. He makes me cry tears of pride and fear. He makes me a better me.
I love you Kory! Thank you for being a part of my life! And happy birthday!

I’m posting every Tuesday as part of the weekly Slice of Life over at Two Writing Teachers.